- Date:
- 4/07/2004
A story on OMAC's Taekwondo
club in Pickerington

Larkin Browning
One of the
newest branches of the Oriental
Martial Arts College is starting to blossom in Pickerington as head
instructor Larkin Browning's individualized training is motivating students,
some younger than 10, some older than 60.On Wednesday nights and Saturday
mornings, the eager students head to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 8630
Refugee Road, where all are welcome.
A carpeted room boasts a window that invites in spring's bright sunshine as
the students inside bring the martial-arts spirit alive.
He teaches self-defense, breaking and sparring techniques and forms, which
are fighting patterns using imaginary opponents. The class is held at a pace
that leaves no one behind. At the same time, Browning pushes more advanced
students to keep setting higher standards for themselves.
At times, the exercises can be exhausting, but the rewards are
immeasurable. Browning maintains Taekwondo traditions of bowing and
meditation. But his style is informal. He allows for brief breaks for water
whenever necessary to ensure that everyone stays healthy and energized.
"I've seen a number of physical improvements," said student Brandi Whitney,
an OMAC member since March 2003 who joined the Pickerington branch in
November. "I'm feeling more muscle tone."
The training has not only benefitted her body but also her mind, spirit and
"I've noticed a tremendous improvement in my ability to focus," Whitney
said. "And my level of patience has improved some. I used to expect things to
come quickly."
Although Browning is a 2nd Degree black belt with many years of
martial-arts experience, he considers himself a beginner and encourages his
students to maintain that attitude themselves. The aim is to avoid the
assumption that one is an expert, thus opening the mental door for more
advanced learning.
Everyone is treated with respect in his Dojang, an atmosphere where
students encourage one another on their journey toward martial-arts mastery.
In his classes, Browning likes to use hand-held paddles that students punch
and kick in a variety of ways to simulate fighting. The footwork and timing
developed in those drills can be applied to real-life situations. He stays up
on the requirements of all belt levels with an eye toward helping his students
prepare for promotion tests.
Matthew Matsen, a student of Browning's since October, felt confident
entering his first test in March.
He and son Justin, 6, passed with flying yellow colors during the
examination administered by Sr. Grand Master Joon P. Choi, a 9th-degree black
belt who is president of the Oriental Martial Arts College, which has branches
throughout Ohio and other parts of the United States as well as in Canada and
When Matsen showed up to Browning's class for the first time, he intended
only to watch. But Browning invited him to try, and he's been hooked ever
"This is my first introduction to the martial arts," Matsen said. "His
openness - his teaching style is great. He's not threatening. You don't get
Ditto for Whitney, who appreciates the individualized attention she
"I love how he's very positive," Whitney said. "Never demeaning."
On Tuesday and Friday nights, Browning seeks to develop his owns skills
under Choi's guidance at OMAC headquarters in Reynoldsburg.
Choi is world-renowned teacher who coached the U.S. National Taekwondo Team
to medals at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul and founded the international
Battle of Columbus, a multi-discipline martial-arts tournament that is now
part of the famous Arnold Fitness Weekend. The three-day event now is known as
the Arnold Martial Arts World Games, and Browning coaches a number of the
Browning patiently helps students reach their goals, including those who
want to participate in the Arnold, which has competitions for every level.
After classes, Browning is known for staying after to answer questions and
offer such tips as how to stretch properly at home to maintain flexibility.
"He's very detail-oriented, analyzes your forms, breaks everything down,"
student Steve Heaney said of Browning, his teacher since January. "He's
consistent. He works with you piece by piece to get it right."
~ Article by Kirk Richards
- Date:
OMAC Indiana 2003 Year End Promotion Test.
Click the thumbnail picture for a larger view.

~ OMAC webteam.
- Date:
- 11/08/2003
Report from Brooke (Chief
Instructor, OMAC South Pole) in South Pole.
Thank you Brooke for the report and beautiful Photos!
~ OMAC webteam.
- Date:
- 11/05/2003
Upcoming Event Reminder!
2003 OMAC Inner School Championship
4th Annual Moogong Cup
On November 16 (Sunday)
Click here for detail information
- Date:
- 09/18/2003
Reminder! September 21, 2003 (Sunday):
Ohio Taekwondo Association Team Training 12-4pm
WUMA Battle of Columbus Meeting 2-4pm
All OMAC & WUMA Members are encouraged to Participate.
- Date:
- 09/18/2003
Please note the change in 2003 Moogong Fall Camp. The camp will begin 6:30
The "Leadership Role Play" session (6:30 PM - 8:30 PM) has been added to the
See the revised schedule below. ~ OMAC Administration.
- Date:
- 09/18/2003
2003 Moogong Fall Camp
Information (Revised): When:
September 26 (Friday) 6:30 PM - 28 (Sunday) 4 PM
Where: OMAC Head Quarters 1349 Brice Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Schedule: |
Friday 26 |
Leadership Role Play
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Kimoodo 8:30
PM - 10 PM |
Saturday 27 |
Training 9
AM - 9 PM ,
Promotion Test 1 PM - 3 PM
Sunday 28 |
Training & Exam 8 AM
- 4 PM |
Click here for General Info
and Application Form (Adobe PDF file)
Note: The starting time on this PDF file has not been updated. Call OMAC Headquarters at 614-864-4000 for further information.
~ OMAC Administration
- Date:
- 09/15/2003
New Black Belts from OMAC Indiana:
8 OMAC members from OMAC Indiana (President: Grandmaster Young P. Choi) promoted to 1st
Dan Black belts on September 7, 2003 at Indianapolis, Indiana. Promotion test was presided by Senior Grandmaster Joon P. Choi (9th Dan, President - OMAC World), Grandmaster Young P. Choi (8th Dan, President - OMAC Indiana) and Grandmaster Ho B. Kim (8th Dan, President - OMAC Illinois).
New 1st Dan Black Belts: |
Aayush Gupta
Heremy Huddleson
Genni Knight
Nataniel Lee
Kristen Nicoson
Jay Roberts
Ken Snyder
Saffron Weddington |
Congratulations!! ~ OMAC Administration.
- Date:
- 09/14/2003
Greetings From OMAC Germany, I just got back from a week of training Modern Arnis (Phillipine stick
fighting) on an island in the North Sea. Simone Koch, 3rd Dan Instructor of
the OMAC Germany School in Bonn, passed her test for first Dan in Modern Arnis. We will leave in 2 days for a week of training Tae Kwon Do (OMAC)
and stickfighting on the Greek island of Paros. 20 of my students from
Frankfurt and 10 of Simone's students are coming. What a great life!!
And the best news: the Berlin Branch of OMAC Germany "ChoHwa" under the
leadership of Claudia Gaca, 2nd Dan, Nicole Rudner, 2nd Dan and Gabriele
Husak, 3. Gup will be starting classes the last week in September. Master
Sunny Graff OMAC Germany
- Date:
- 07/28/2003
Demonstration Schedule for August 2003
Inner City Games Demonstration
Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium: The Ohio State University
Saturday, August 2nd, 11:00 am
Columbus Zoo
Friday, August 15th, 7:00 PM
World Gym Worthington
Saturday, August 16th, 10:00 am
Ohio State Fair Demonstration One
Saturday, August 16th, 5:00 PM
Ohio State Fair Demonstration Two
Sunday, August 17th, 5:00 PM
~OMAC Headquarters
- Date:
- 07/25/2003
New OMAC School Opening
OMAC Worthington - (World's Gym) Grand Opening !
August 16
(Saturday) 10AM - 11AM
Demonstration and Open House A new School, OMAC Worthington, will be opening on August 16 (Saturday).
Demonstration and open house to be held from 10:00am-11:00am.
1245 Worthington Woods Blvd. Worthington Ohio 43085, USA
(Located inside World's Gym)
Head Instructor: Mike Scarbrough
(3rd Dan Black Belt)
here for school Page)
Best Wishes with the new school!!!
~OMAC Headquarters
Date: 7/13/03
OMAC Black Belt Test
The following 29 OMAC Members have been successfully promoted to New Ranks of
Black Belts at 2003 Moogong Summer Camp on July 13, 2003.
Associate Master's Rank (5th
Dan) Woo Young Jung
5th Dan OMAC East
(click here for special news page - photos
and video clips)
1st Dan - 3rd Dan
Black belt
From Great Columbus Area (OH)
Emil Davitian 3rd Dan OMAC East
Moo Sung Choi 3rd Dan OMAC North
Andy Choi 3rd Dan OMAC North
Hokun Lee 3rd Dan OMAC Dublin
Keith Elliott 2nd
Dan OMAC North
Larkin Browning 2nd Dan OMAC East
James Kim
2nd Dan OMAC East
Shokhida Nasirova
1st Dan OMAC East
Cheryl O'Neil
1st Dan OMAC
John Greenzalis 1st Dan
OMAC Lakes
David Greenzalis 1st Dan OMAC Lakes
Peter Jang 1st Dan OMAC North
Aleksey Itunin 1st
Dan OMAC North
Yasamin Soltanirad 1st Dan OMAC North
OMAC Dayton, OH
Kellen Brown 1st Dan
Marjolein Buiter 1st Dan
From OMAC Cleveland, OH
Jerry Wujek
2nd Dan
From OMAC Germany
Stephanie Rudolph 3rd Dan
Nadine Pfaff
1st Dan
Wiebke Gorny 1st Dan
From OMAC Wisconsin
Nicole Mauritz 1st Dan
Takuya Minami 1st Dan
From OMAC Cincinnati
Greg Harding
3rd Dan
Robert Firor
2nd Dan
Neil Beckmann 1st Dan
Erin Bailey
1st Dan
Max Kravitz
1st Dan
Katie Ann Sallada 1st Dan
- Congratulations!
Upcoming Black Belt Test (July
13, 2003)
The following 27 members of OMAC black belt students
successfully completed 3-5 days
fasting and 12 hours of meditation requirements as
part of their black belt test (either becoming 1st Dan black belt or moving up
their rank in black belts). They will be testing for their black belts at the
Moogong Summer
on July 13, 2003.
Testing for Associate
Master's Rank (5th Dan) Woo Young Jung
5th Dan OMAC East
Testing for 1st Dan - 3rd Dan
From Great Columbus Area (OH)
Emil Davitian 3rd Dan OMAC East
Moo Sung Choi 3rd Dan OMAC North
Andy Choi 3rd Dan OMAC North
Hokun Lee 3rd Dan OMAC Dublin
Keith Elliott 2nd
Dan OMAC North
Larkin Browning 2nd Dan OMAC East
James Kim
2nd Dan OMAC East
Shokhida Nasirova
1st Dan OMAC East
Cheryl O'Neil
1st Dan OMAC
John Greenzalis 1st Dan
OMAC Lakes
David Greenzalis 1st Dan OMAC Lakes
Peter Jang 1st Dan OMAC North
Aleksey Itunin 1st
Dan OMAC North
OMAC Dayton, OH
Kellen Brown 1st Dan
From OMAC Cleveland, OH
Jerry Wujek
2nd Dan
From OMAC Germany
Stephanie Rudolph 3rd Dan
Nadine Pfaff
1st Dan
Wiebke Gorny 1st Dan
From OMAC Wisconsin
Nicole Mauritz 1st Dan
Takuya Minami 1st Dan
From OMAC Cincinnati
Greg Harding
3rd Dan
Robert Firor
2nd Dan
Neil Beckmann 1st Dan
Erin Bailey
1st Dan
Max Kravitz
1st Dan
Katie Ann Sallada 1st Dan
Grand master Choi stated that
"becoming a Black belt in OMAC system means
accepting a responsibility as a leader.
You need to apply what they learned in
everyday life.
And teach others what you obtained for those who needed.
Becoming a black doesn't mean
that you are slowly retiring form active role
as a student and teacher.
All students who are testing for
black belt
must train
continuously to perfect and learn more to grow."
Best wishes with your upcoming
promotion test!
- Date:
- 06/04/2003
OMAC member and former instructor of Wisconsin OMAC, Kimberley Lakes, received her doctorate (Ph.D.) from the University of Wisconsin—Madison in May of 2003, with a major in Counseling Psychology and a minor in Child Psychology.
~ webteam
Date: 05/07/2003
Master Korchak's school has newly updated school website.
Please visit Master Korchak's school website at http://www.cincytaekwondo.com
~ webteam.
- Date:
- 01/21/03
The combined Senior Class/2003 Winter Camp/Big Bow Ceremony weekend that was held January 17-19 was excellent. Camp activities were well tailored to the needs and interests of the students who attended. Special highlights were Senior Grandmaster Choi's Kimoodo, MooSung Choi's sword instruction, Master Cahn's instruction and individual guidance in fundamentals, Master Kennedy's danbong class, and observing Emil Davitian's Little Tigers class. The busy weekend also included meetings of the Ohio Taekwondo Association and the WUMA Martial Arts Leaders Summit. - C. Fitch
- Date:
- 12/27/02
I was very pleased with the year end test at the main OMAC school at Brice Rd. The Masters coordinating this, and of course Master Choi, did a great job. There were many students testing, not only for various levels of black belt, but most all other ranks as well. When so many lives are touched, it is most pleasing to be a part of such a high class organization such as OMAC. My Congratulations to all! Andy Skeen.
- Date:
- 12/27/02
The Winter Test and Holiday Party was a lot of fun to watch and be part of. There were a good number of colored belts testing as well as 22 people testing for Dan rank. Doug Lauck and Tim Wagner tested for their 3rd Dan Black Belts and Danny Jackson (OMAC Las Vegas) tested for 5th Dan and is now Master Jackson. There were many other Dan testers. A complete list will be posted soon on the website.
After the test was over everyone had a great time at the holiday party. During the party there was a talent show which featured many of the students as well as singing performances by
Grandmaster Joon Choi and Grand Master Young Choi. Mrs. Choi also performed a very beautiful song. The Potluck Dinner included a whole pig provided by Grandmaster Choi, which was slow roasted outside all day and was delicious. This was definitely a Winter Test to remember!
Pictures of the test and the party will be posted on OMACWORLD very soon.
Congratulations to everyone who tested!
-OMAC Web Team